Friday, May 05, 2006

More confusions, blood transfusions/The news today will be the movies for tomorrow

the witchy woman that married jim morrison in the witchy ceremony over 35 years ago (and has been milking it ever since) has a blog. yup.

arthur lee of love has leukemia. :( he also has no health insurance, so there are benefits being organized for him, and you can contribute through paypal.

this chick NEEDS TO GO!!!

the fbi's "unusual phenomena" listings. which are really old. but featuring horrible mutilation!

"there aren't many cities where a former drug-abusing homosexual, who once made a guerilla drag queen eat dog poop, would be among its most celebrated residents." viva la baltimore!!

here's a short film for download about karen carpenter and her battle with anorexia---with dolls!! woo-hoo! (via bubblegum fink)


flatlander said...

Hah! She doesn't even have The Doors under Favourite Music on her Blogger profile.

Will said...

Thank you oh so much for finding the Karen Carpenter Story. I'd been wanting to have one of my very own. Such a brilliant film.

mondo retro said...

flatlander: i know. she sucks.

will: don't thank me, thank the wonderful bubblegum fink, from where i got the link!

p.s. my friend kenny has this awesome picture of his friend who dressed up as the carpenters for halloween one year. he wore a blonde wig and a turtleneck w/ a sportcoat, and walked around carrying a twig with a doll's head stuck on top. i swear, it's the funniest shit i have ever seen.