just because.
here's a list of all the deaths on six feet under. i love wikipedia!!!
related: when are you going to die? i've got until wednesday, october 12, 2044.
i wonder if extra nipples will help me to live longer...
horrendous knitting.
i've probably linked to that before, but my six feet under searchings earlier led me to justin theroux, which led me to mulholland drive, so...yeah. i do enjoy that justin theroux. i'm very excited that the episodes of "sfu" featuring joe are beginning to air on hbo on demand. ahhhh, joe. that french horn-playin', cat-lovin', kinky mofo.
that is all.
Mulholland drive is one of my all-time favourite movies. But I don't want to talk about it (it scares me).
Extra nipples...now there's a topic of conversation!
I feel funny for leaving so many comments, but I think MOndo Retro readers must be really lazy or something...
that, or you are my only reader. :/
please don't stop leaving comments!! i know i can always count on my beloved flatlander!!!
p.s. "silencio"
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