Monday, November 07, 2005

this weekend was uneventful....

...but sometimes that's good. well, a few things did, last night i dyed my hair and a big blob of it got on the floor, and the next thing i knew i looked at my cat and she had a tiny spot of purple at her mouth. !!!! so i immediately freaked out and wondered if she actually ingested any of the hair dye. i don't think she did, though. she's fine. i gave her a treat, which made her drink some water, and i washed out the dye from her nose/upper lip area, even though it looked kind of cool. for a split second i wanted to dye her whole body purple. i mean, how cool would that be?!? but of course i came to my senses quickly. earlier in the day chris and i went to this place to eat and i got super-hot wings and onion rings and beer. then we drove around and looked at leaves, and i picked up a few in case i want to get all second-grade art class and make a leaf collage. then we watched "the teenage strangler."

saturday i went to my little nieces' 2nd birthday party, and we had cake and food and fun and whatnot. during dinner i had a lengthy "napoleon dynamite" quote-off with my nephews, who are 8 and 10. yep, i can quote the same movies as little kids. *sigh*

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