Thursday, November 17, 2005

let's make fun of hipsters!

"hipster" isn't what it used to be. in the beat days, being a hipster seemed to be a good thing (because i guess back then being a "fancy-dressing, drug-and-drink-addled sex-fiend character that hung around Times Square at night" was cool). i feel that the "hipster" of today is the equivalent of what we used to call the fashion punks back in the day. you know the type: mommy and daddy have lots of money to provide them with the uniform, they have to be seen EVERYWHERE in order to feel important, they travel in packs, and they all look the same and listen to the same music, eat the same food, go to the same places etc. blah. these days they all have the same blogs.

of course this all happened with the whole grunge thing, too. everybody looked exactly the same! so funny. in the mid-90's for a long time all the guys looked like kurt cobain. which was kinda hot, so i didn't mind as much. but then all of a sudden, all the guys looked like flippin' oasis. which was so not hot. i remember seeing these 4 guys sitting in a diner booth, and they all had the exact same fresh oasis cut. idiots. i just don't get the concept of wanting/needing to look like everybody else, even in (or especially because of) my old age. (which, at 32, would i be considered a "grandma hipster," since i am over 30? boo!) but then again, perhaps i'm just jealous because i am older, poorer, and lamer than all of them...? nope. that's not it.

maybe this is the reason?

maybe i have no right to say these things. i mean, i wear chucks, i wear thrift-store clothes, i like some of what i guess would be considered "hipster music", i wear funky glasses, i like to see the irony in things. but, i've looked exactly the same for like 15 years (with the exception of the 8 million haircolors i have sported). that's the thing about trends---sooner or later, even *you* will be totally fashionable for a fleeting moment in time!

i don't understand the "self-loathing hipster" concept, either. believe me, i totally get the self-loathing part, but if you truly hated yourself, you wouldn't refer to yourself as a "hipster." you wouldn't think of yourself as being even remotely that "cool." and you would have a lot more on your mind than slapping a label on yourself.

die, hipster, die!

hipster bingo!

nyc anti-hipster forum

hipster t-shirt generator

no white belts!

1 comment:

flatlander said...

Wow! What a great examination of the whole hipster thing! I'll have to pursue some of that well-researched linkage later, at leisure. Maybe while lounging in some kind of hipster leisure suit (but not a "new-age bionic jogging suit"), for that matter.

What you say is true; just be yourself, wear what you like, and eventually it will all come around and people will realize your superstardom.

But, if you're constantly running with the pack, changing with the trends, you will always be stuck in the cusp of radiance rather than shining proudly with your own inner light.