Wednesday, October 12, 2005

where's reynaldo?

this is the story of reynaldo. he is a local homeless guy/artist/crackhead in my city who rides his bike everywhere. he's been around for years and years. i first met him over 10 years ago at the mall, where he drew my picture and i gave him 5 bucks. then, a few years later, i met him again at my ex-boyfriend's house. i guess he felt bad for him and invited him home for a hot meal and some pot. i didn't see him again for years and years, until i was hanging out at my friend lisa's store. he came barrelling in, saying the cops were after him. he drew my picture and lisa gave him $20. she said that she's known him forever, that she would always somehow run into him. he came into her store again and again, each time meaner than the next. it seemed like he was going down fast. she had to call the cops on him and everything; he got really aggressive and horrible.

so, i'm at work one day, and everyone is buzzing that a homeless guy wandered into the building. guess who it was? yup, reynaldo. he sais he was trying to find tape for his Bible. the last time i saw him, he was outside my job, yelling at me to give him $20. i was like, "i don't HAVE $20." and he cussed me out and started screaming and it was really scary.

i haven't seen him in months and months. we have the drawings he did of us hanging up at work (this is the 3rd drawing he's done of me over the years), and i often look at them and wonder if he's dead or in jail or what. poor reynaldo. not that he was the sweetest, nicest guy in the world or anything...far from it. but it sucks to know that he's homeless and spends all his money on crack and has nothing and is probably dead now.

please enjoy reynaldo's drawings. my picture is up in the corner there. the first one below is of kenny, and the other one is tony. i don't know how i rate, getting the DELUXE COLOR EDITION, but hey.

and tony, if you are reading this: i am thinking about you, wondering where you are, what you are doing, if you are thinking of me, and if one day you'll ever return...

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