Sunday, October 02, 2005

i should read more

and so should you. maybe this post will help us. first, let's check out bookslut's guide to rock novels. also let's read a banned book once in a while. we'll no doubt wonder why it was banned in the first place. and we should get to the library more. i used to work in a library, and i loved it. every single library needs our support to keep it going. so, become a patron at your local library and return your stuff late once in a while so they can scrape your overdue fines together and buy more books and stuff.

now i'm off to see my grandma. she's 90, and living in an assisted living type-of-place, and today they are doing "1950's day." they have some singer guy coming to belt out the oldies for everybody. and the menu, according to the flyer, is "cheeseburgers and french fires." yes, that's right. fires. *LOL* it should be a hoot!

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