Sunday, August 21, 2005

greetings from swinging washingtonville!

ohio, that is. i am here for the weekend with my boyfriend, as his parents live here. we drove the 7 hours for something known as Bradfest, which is a big shindig that an old college buddy (whose name is -get this- BRAD!) of my aforementioned boyfriend has every year. this year it was pretty subdued...all those crazy guys are now married with children and can't do fun things like backflips out of windows or cartwheels in fires anymore...*sigh* i didn't even get all that drunk, which is impressive, since i started drinking at 3 and didn't stop until, like, midnight. meh. we watched some crazy fight on pay-per-view...i don't even remember what it's called. not quite boxing, not quite wrestling, not quite street brawling...whatever. plus it rained off and on pretty much all day. booooooo. but, brad made some kick-ass ribs, and his wife made some cupcakes that i swear had heroin in them, they were so good.

i feel like crap because we ended up sleeping in the tent last night. and i use the term "sleeping" very lightly. i think i "slept" a grand total of 8 minutes. OH YEAH, they were setting off fireworks and the cops showed up. that was fun. he was a really cool cop, too...he kept saying he didn't want to leave, he wished he could drink with us and set off fireworks. i wanted to take his picture, but i thought better of it.

ok, off to do whatever it is we are doing today. regular, funny posts resume tomorrow.

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