Tuesday, September 19, 2006

time for a quickie

i have been so super-busy today, but i wanted to quickly post this. the pop candy blog wants to know if you have a good "meeting a celebrity" story to share for a podcast. so, i sent an email with my beck story. i couldn't decide if i wanted to tell the beck story or the jack white story. i chose beck because, well, beck totally rules. and i didn't actually MEET jack white, he just poured champagne on me from a window. below is my submission.

the best celebrity encounter i have ever had was with beck, after a really small acoustic show in philly in the summer of 2002. i waited outside near his bus with a whole bunch of other people to catch a glimpse and maybe say hi after the show. when he finally came out, everyone swarmed around him and shoved things for him to sign in front of his face. beck was VERY nice to everyone, if a bit rushed. he finally was standing next to me, and when it was my turn he seemed to pivot on one foot and spin towards me (in that smooth funky way that beck moves), and he just stared at me and smiled (those eyes!!!). i nervously blurted out, "hi, i don't have anything for you to sign, i just wanted to say hi." beck blinked and, in a really sexy way, said hi back. then i said, "...but could i have a hug?" he rolled his eyes, grinned, and gave me a hug. my boyfriend at the time was with me, and he was snapping pictures the whole time. after the hug, i turned bright red/started shaking/got completely flustered. i started wandering through the crowd, bumping into people...i was totally out of my mind. i couldn't find the guy i was with, so i said, "ummm, where's my...uhhhh..." and i hear this clearly annoyed voice coming from the crowd: "UM, your BOYFRIEND?! i'm over here." and everyone around me, including beck, chuckled. :)

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