Thursday, June 15, 2006

of course he's a mason, don't be ridiculous...

check the cool wax is an AMAZING place for insane music, and mrs. miller's greatest hits is no different.

update: who is mrs. miller??

zappa cafe in budapest.

the meow mix house. oooookay...

i guess this is like the netflix of handbags...

so, my dad is a freemason, and we are from pennsylvania...i wonder if he knows balki now?!?!? (sidenote: when i emailed this link to my boyfriend, he wittily replied: "who made balki bartokomous a star? WE DO!!!")

interesting/scary thing my friend christine discovered when she tried to check out an innocent website when she was in dubai.

billy name. just because. (sidenote: christine's husband peter looks eerily like billy name with glasses. i saw billy name the other night on how to draw a bunny, and i was shocked at the resemblence!)

related? draw and color a bunny with uncle fred.

i read that this place is shutting down. WHY, I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!

now this is what i call a handsome woman!

when elfmans explode.


mondo retro said...

right on!! such great stuff on that blog!

Unknown said...

We had that Mrs. Miller album when I was a kid! I remember her whistling. It was grotequely fascinating. What a scream she was. How do you find this stuff???

Unknown said...

Beware of religions created by sci-fi writers in the 50s! And, er, ah, Billy Name looks like Peter? Hmmmmm....I don't quite see it. LOL.

mondo retro said...

i can't believe you had the mrs. miller album!!! her voice is so crazy! it makes me happy!! ahhh!