Monday, May 01, 2006

evening linkage

i just wanted an excuse to post this picture.

"...that's why the called themselved the CLASH, the only BAND that MATTERED..."

tom verlaine interview.

yuppie punk examines steven seagal.

make some rings for your mom for mother's day.

i've never even heard of major matt mason before...

poor, poor "slave elizabeth o."

dan clowes interview!


mondo retro said...

good point. do we REALLY know what happened on that plane? no. it was snakes, i tell ya.

mondo retro said...

p.s. the snake looks pretty cool, actually. all turquoise and huge with giant teeth. i bet the all have glowing eyes. man, that movie's gonna rule.

mondo retro said...

yes, i did know that! which is awesome. i also heard that they filmed sam jackson saying, "we gotta get these mutha-effin snakes off this mutha-effin plane!" based on the people of the internets coming up with that line...ahhhh.

between "strangers with candy," "art school confidential," and "snakes," i will be actually going to the movies 3 times in the near future! which is monumental in itself...