Friday, April 28, 2006

hobo camp! HOBO CAMP!!

i got somethin' to say! here's the strangers with candy trailer!! (updated link that actually works via goldenfiddle)

sears wishbook goodness, featuring this wild new crazy thing called the compact disc player. and a steal at $589.99!! (i heart boing boing)

here's to beer!

happy hairball awareness day, everyone!

leather bag dragon.

congratulations arijit guha.

vintage calculators. 'cause I LOVE CALCULATORS.

awww, sweet little mr. waddles saves lives!

i guess they haven't lived in america long enough to know that this won't make a difference...

1 comment:

flatlander said...

I've been to Hobo Camp. It's three banjos past the abandoned railway trestle. They make a mean can 'o beans!