look at that crazy old man!! holy CRAP!!
(it's eddie van halen, by the way. i realize that it may be a tad difficult to tell.)
*shudder, shudder*
Who digs the Mondo? These guys!
"Eternal Sunshine" artist, Atomic Drinker and High Priest of Blemph-o! Paul Proch: "Oddball rumblings from the front lines of Wowsville! A little bit north of Pattern Recognition City, and just the other side of Cognitive Dissonance Ridge. Always full of stuff that's funny and disturbing – at the same time!" Mick of Beingcharliekaufman.com concurs: "More fun than bowel surgery with a sharp stick in the woods!"
Wow! What a hunk. Amazing where a lot o' money can get you in to!
i know! thank goodness we are poor and beautiful!!
I still love the song "Jump" --80s synth & great licks.
i still love HOT FOR TEACHER: "i don't feel tardy..."
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