Monday, January 09, 2006


so busy! hopefully i will have time to post some good things how we tried to go see "hostel" over the weekend but it was sold out, so we went home and watched "the devil's rejects" instead, and how we were kinda disappointed in it. and i want to talk about how it's weird that roger ebert gave it 3 stars (i think i would've given it 2, maybe 2 1/2), and how it's weirder still that ebert didn't seem to know who sid haig was and had to look him up on the internet to see what he really looks like without all that clown makeup...he was all smug in his review about his groucho marx knowledge, and he doesn't even know that sid haig was in anything other than "jackie brown?!?!" i mean come ON! oh, and i want to talk about how the QT likes the drunk iceland babes.

yes, i will talk about all that stuff later, when i have time. :)

1 comment:

mondo retro said...

awwww, weenil! :) mondo weenil! weenil retro! yay!