Tuesday, November 29, 2005

everyone loves a german girl

this morning's email:

me: guten morgen, schmöopen!

chris: Häagen-Dazs!

me: Hilfe! Hilfe! Mein hut it hat drei ecken! (which means, according to kenny, "help! help! my hat has three corners!!!")

so, yeah. here's some german for ya.

99 luftbaloons, side by side english to german comparison. did i post this already? i can't recall...

list of famous germans

asking a girl out in german
how to make an umlaut

the awful german language by mark twain

fun pools in germany

the german joke of the day

german recipes

1 comment:

mondo retro said...

ahhh, it's so lovely when you leave comments. makes me think that you care. :)