i seriously cannot take working in a crappy office anymore! it's not nearly as subversive or fun as they make it seem on the telly. well, i'm lying, sometimes it's fun (see kenny's birthday posts and such), but i an SO SICK of having to deal with ignorant a-holes ALL DAY LONG, ripping me a new one because they are not getting thier stupid crap they ordered in a timely fashion, because the company i work for is totally disorganized and ridiculous. i have had, like, ZERO SCREW AROUND INTERNET TIME the past few weeks. how can i be expected to live like that?!?!?? hahaha.
hopefully later i will have calmed down enough to post something better than this.
You said "telly." Very very rarely do I hear Americans say "telly."
That is all. :-D
well hello there, sir mick! yes, my mom always said "telly," so i guerss i do, too. she used to talk in a british accent all the time, and use the proper terminology, like "telly" and "loo" and whatnot. oddly, she is from pennsylvania and has never been to england in her entire life. just watched a lot of british comedy, methinks. somtimes she'd mix things up and be irish, but mostly she did a cockney british accent. like, ALL THE TIME. :) she's so funny.
Aahh, that's pretty cool. :-)
Random thing I get tired of, that happens more often than one would think: explaining why I spell "tyres" with a "y". THAT'S HOW YOU SPELL IT IN ENGLISH, PEOPLE. Americans do it with an "i". Bah.
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